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Blueberry rain shelter, fruit tree shelter rain shelter, overall material supply design construction installation one-stop service

Rain Shelter for Grapes, Cherries, and Blueberries

Product Overview

The rain shelter for grapes, cherries, and blueberries is a simple yet effective solution for protecting these fruits from the elements. The structure is easy to install, cost-effective, practical, and sturdy. It provides a spacious interior, makes efficient use of land, increases productivity, and not only protects against rain but also prevents insect damage and frost during spring. The overall cost is low, making it an economical choice for growers.

Structure and Function

The rain shelter is constructed using stone pillars, bamboo strips, steel frames, iron wires, and plastic film. The stone pillars and steel frames serve as the support structure, while the bamboo strips and steel frame help with fixation. This setup blocks the rain and reduces its splashing effect, which helps in preventing the spread of diseases.

Benefits of the Rain Shelter

  • Prevention of Disease: The shelter prevents rain from splashing onto the plants, reducing the likelihood of pathogens spreading to the fruits or trees. Rainwater is redirected to the ground, minimizing the risk of fruit diseases.
  • Reduction of Pests and Pesticides: By reducing the occurrence of pests, the shelter lowers the need for pesticides. This results in healthier fruit and contributes to reducing atmospheric pollution caused by pesticide use.
  • Cost Savings: While the initial investment in the rain shelter might seem significant, it can save on pesticide costs, reduce labor costs, and decrease overall workload compared to handling frequent pest or disease outbreaks.

When to Install the Shelter

Although the rain shelter offers many benefits, it is important to consider sunlight exposure. The shelter should not be used year-round as the fruit still needs adequate sunlight for growth. The optimal time to install the shelter film is when the flower clusters are visible. The film must be installed as soon as the flowers appear to avoid rain damage, which could lead to increased disease, fruit drop, and reduced yield.

Effectiveness of the Rain Shelter

The widespread adoption of rain shelters is supported by positive results from growing experiments. Inside the shelter, the soil moisture levels are well-regulated, resulting in healthier plants. Additionally, the shelter reduces the chances of fruit cracking, increases sugar content, and improves the overall quality of the fruits. The shelter helps control soil moisture, keeps leaves healthy and intact, and significantly reduces the occurrence of fruit diseases and pests.


The use of rain shelters is highly beneficial for grape, cherry, and blueberry cultivation. These shelters not only help produce healthier and more productive fruit but also offer environmental benefits by reducing the need for chemicals. We believe the promotion and adoption of these shelters will help growers produce better grapes and cherries. Thank you for your attention!

Contact Information

Contact Person: Mr. Ma